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Spa and Beauty Products






See below for covid safety;


While I’ve been closed, I have carried out further training to ensure I am working in a safe environment for me and my clients. I have always used particular products and procedures to

maintain a high level of hygiene to protect myself and my clients. I have brought in some new safety measures and procedures in addition to the ones I already have in place to ensure I am

working at the highest hygiene standard.


I have always used Barbicide to sterilize, disinfect and clean my tools and instruments because not only is it a hospital-grade germicide it is also a fungicide, virucide and antibacterial. I have recently completed my  BARBICIDE COVID-19 Certificate to ensure I am doing everything correctly and following their procedures to meet the highest industry standards. Due to the nature of my profession, I am unable to carry out my treatments with social distancing. As government have not released guidelines regarding reopening, I have been following both the Barbicide back to work guide and a guide from the NFHB. This is the council for the hair and beauty industry in the UK who have been speaking to the government on our behalf. Following their guidelines and what I’ve learned about the virus I have put in place the following policies, some of these listed below I already do anyway but just to make you aware of

everything I am doing in order to protect us all.


  • When entering the building clients much not touch anything before they have washed their hands. Disposable towels are provided through a dispenser.

  • All foot rasps/files are disposable

  • I will be accepting both cash and card. To use the card machine, I will give you a disposable piece of paper towel to enter your pin as well as regularly cleaning the machine.

  • I can provide a mask if requested. 

  • All clients will have an envelope with their own personal nail file and buffer inside

  • Couch roll as always will be disposed of after every client and the workspace will be thoroughly cleaned.


  • I will be wearing disposable gloves for waxing as I normally do and no double dipping of the spatulas will take place.



Treatment room

  • The covers on my bed will be washed after every client, all of my laundry is single use only and is laundered at 60 degrees and then tumbled dried on hot until completely dry, this is the practice recommended by the NHS.


  • My treatment room has been redesigned so my stock/products are kept away to prevent cross contamination and are disinfected before every client.


  • As always, I will be washing my hands before and after every client and frequently throughout.

  • As always, I am working on an appointment only basis so there will only be myself and one client in the salon at one time.


  • My nail lamp has been replaced by a new lamp where it is placed over your fingers so you do not have to touch the inside of the lamp or put your hand inside anymore. The lamp will of course be cleaned before every client.



  • Phones are not to be used during treatments


  • If you could bring minimal belongings with you.


  • I will be wearing a mask and PPE where appropriate.


  • Please do not attend your appointment with anyone else



  • Regular cleaning of  door handles, credit card machine and anything else you may touch will take place throughout each day.


  •  After every client, I have allocated some extra time where I will thoroughly clean and disinfect my room.


  • The face whole of my bed will have couch roll on as usual and I will be cleaning the bed as well between clients.


  • Mitts, brushes and any other instruments/tools used during my treatments will either be disposed of, washed at 60 degrees or disinfected.


  • I have changed some of our hygiene sprays and nail cleansers to brands that are more effective against not only bacteria and fungi, but also other previously known viruses.


  •  Pedicure bowls are sterilized between clients.



I am taking every precaution possible to ensure a safe working environment so please if you feel ill, show any symptoms or may have had possible contact with someone who does DO NOT ATTEND YOUR APPOINTMENT. It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s a tiny chance you may have been in contact with someone who could possibly have the virus, I want us all to be safe and well, we can easily rearrange your appointment. Likewise, I will be doing the exact same and appointments will be canceled if I am at all concerned.


I want to thank every single one of you for your lovely, thoughtful messages I have received, it means so much to me that you have continued to support me through this difficult time.


Any questions or concerns please contact me.


See you all soon,

Milly xx

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